导读:辣模想嫁多金总裁 婚友社却推无聊职员让她好生气
辣模想嫁多金总裁 婚友社却推无聊职员让她好生气(图/ Instagram@zozofit)
澳洲一名健身辣模柔伊(Zo? Daly)事业有成却始终没遇到好姻缘,让她决定请婚友介绍中心帮忙,她开出3项条件找老公,负责人也保证一定给她好男人,岂料多次相亲却都遇上个性不佳又只是小职员级的男子。柔伊最后气得对介绍中心提告,法院也采信她的说词,判对方得归还80%入会费,约新台币8万8千元。
"Surround yourself with those who see greatness in you- even when you don't see it in yourself" ?. Love this quote- I find it quite empowering so I wanted to share it with you?. Have an amazing day everyone ?. -- #onlinecoach #fitnessmodel #abs #lean #shredded #inspo #fitspo #instafit #fitfam #healthy #onlinetrainer #inspire #goals #sexyfit #bosslady #physique #aesthetics #chicksthatlift #wbffpro #aestheticsarmy #ripped #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #compprep
Zo? Daly ?ONLINE TRAINER?(@zozofit)的贴文 於
2017 年 9月 月 5 3:38下午 PDT
根据英国《每日邮报》报导,柔伊是澳洲知名的健身网红,光是Instagram就拥有21万粉丝,她除了不时展现自己性感身材,也会她开课替学生减肥、雕塑体态的照片,但也因为忙着当女强人冲事业,让她始终没找到一个好归宿。柔伊在去年11月决定参加私人相亲机构Elite Introductions,入会时先付了5千澳币(约新台币11万元),她也跟负责人开出3大条件,分别是年龄在32岁到38岁、事业有成对未来有规划、兴趣相同喜欢运动。
My new Baby ?. 2017 AMG C63s Coupe?. I've loved cars since I was 2 years old, so to own this Beautiful Beast is an epic feeling. Following my passion in health & fitness was the best decision I have made. After beginning my competing career in 2010, I then started my @ page back in 2011 to inspire others to lead healthier lives and connect with like-minded people from around the world, there was no monetary motivation. It never crossed my mind that 6 years on I'd be the CEO of my own company, have clients in 52 countries around the world and be driving my dream car. Dream it, believe it, achieve it ?. -- Have an amazing week everyone ?. -- #boss #ladyboss #goals #dreams #inspire #inspiration #motivation #fitnessmotivation #leanandmean #Onlinecoach #Onlinetrainer #results #fitspo #TeamZo? #fitgirl #fitfam #instafit #transformation #shredded #entrepreneur #fitness #health #bosslady
Zo? Daly ?ONLINE TRAINER?(@zozofit)的贴文 於
2017 年 10月 月 5 4:56上午 PDT
尽管Elite Introductions负责人表示自己没有用话术骗柔伊,反而认为她入会一年不到就想要有好男人,是不合情理的要求。不过法官据他们当时签约负责人说过的话,像是我手上很多好男人、现在不报名以后一定会后悔等欺骗性陈述和销售技巧,依违反澳洲消费法规定判机构得归还80%入会费给柔伊。
?Yewwww had so much fun skating- I haven't picked up my board for over a decade so I didn't do too badly.. I'm hooked - so watch this space as when I love something, I give it 100% ?so improvements are on their way ?♀? -- #skatergirl #fitnessmodel #abs #lean #shredded #inspo #fitspo #instafit #fitfam #healthy #onlinecoach #inspire #goals #sexyfit #bosslady #physique #aesthetics #chicksthatlift #wbffpro #aestheticsarmy #ripped #fitnessmotivation #fitnessaddict #healthyishappy
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